In our workshop in 1 or 2 days you will get to know more about various technologies and Solutions also latest trends in today\’s world. we can also design customized workshop as per your need.
Having Authorized Trainer, we are offering unique Verified courses which helps you to be ready for the exam and easily be certified too.

On regular basis we at emt Academy run different Online and on-site Free Courses , all attendees will receive attendance certificate from emt Academy

We Are Partnered with key players in the industry and as the Authorized Training Center we are able to educate you on how to work and manage the solution you are using.
- Your IT Skills 80%
- Your Security Skills 50%
- IT Management Skills 75%
- Knowledge Improvement 60%
The Results Were Amazing
emt Academy courses and workshops help you in various area, you can see how we helped our current attendees. emt Magnitude is another program for IT experts to even learn more practical.